Last nights Pubg Report!
Last night I got back from vacation and dove right back into some pubg action. There was some struggle. We lost a few games in the final 2 circles but then we turned it around and took an easy win on Vikendi.
I got to play with Soulful Reborn, Diablo and Korebomb last night. I ran mostly with 7.62 guns last night, only by accident but you go with what the map gives ya.
If you haven't checked out you should do so. It shows you the video reaction when you kill streamers or when they kill you.
Last night I knocked down 5 streamers and got the kills for 4 of them.
My showed me killing
- PubGeezusTV
All of these videos come at a time when something funny was happening during the stream last night.
I need to include party chat back into the stream so you can hear my team and the convos that are happening.
Make sure you guys are tuning in because it was a funny night all around.