PUBG - Tutor Time - Shed of Safety
Using a shed for safety.
Using a shed for safety.
The "Dangle the Bait" maneuver is used to expose locations of enemy combatants. This maneuver also can be used to distract enemies.
To properly steal a kill you need to allow a teammate or another team to soften up the target. Then when the time is right move in and obliterate.
Check out this video and watch as I walk you through a successful "Kill Steal".
Here you'll learn how to attack in sync with your team mates and with the terrain that you are playing on to have optimal success rates when attacking a Duo.
Watch this video for a demonstration on how to properly devise and execute an attack pattern and destroy the opposing force.
Jeef shows you how to properly crawl through the weeds to get kills and chicken dinners with a silenced gun in Players Unknown Battlegrounds (Pubg).
When on the Players Unknown Battlegrounds battlefield there can be up to 99 enemies. A very strong way to establish dominance is to drive a durable vehicle towards a lone individual. There are different vehicles in Pubg (a visual list can be found at: My favorite vehicles to use are the Mirado, or the Dacia. The UAZ is pretty durable and can be decent as well.